Get Storage


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Getting Paid Storage

Use the form below to get set up with paid stoage. After you submit the information we will setup a prorated charge. Charges will continue until you email a photo of the cleared out space.

See the end of this page for info on storage within the main space.

Storing Items in the Main Space

Unlabeled Projects
To keep our space tidy and usable for all members, any unlabeled projects may be immediately disposed of or moved to scrap.
48 Hour Table
When a project can not be transported because it is drying, it can be left in the designated area (the 48 hour table). Any project in short term storage must have a name and date label on it and must be removed or updated within 48 hours. Any project left more than 48 hours, unlabeled, or in the way is in violation of the policy. Projects in violation of the policy can be fined, moved to paid storage or scrap, and/or moved to trash. Property will be disposed of disposal at staff discretion and may incur additional disposal fees. Projects may be restrickered while in progress for a maximum of 10 days. If at any point space is needed, staff may require the member to move their project into paid storage or to remove from the space.
Leaving Projects in the Common Areas
If absolutely necessary for glue or resin drying, staff and facilitators can grant permission leave property for up 24 hours in the public space by issuing a parking pass. The parking pass is a physical paper that is affixed to your property and the every effort must be made to minimize the obstruction of the work of others. 
Materials or projects left in unapproved areas without a valid parking pass,  disposed of disposal at staff discretion and may incur additional disposal fees.