self assembling, computationally evolving robots

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The goal of this project is to create relatively simple units that can come together on their own and "evolve" there mechanisms for assembly and function.


I am aiming to get this project to a working initial prototype by june 27th according to the following schedule.

-Week 1(this week) assembly mechanism

                  - print several 3d models to identify a simple and reliable mechanism by which parts can find each other and come together using arranged mangetic force.


-Week 2 mechanical function, electronics

                  - experiment with different part configurations to identify simple mechanisms by which the robitis subunits can move in a predictible manner.

                  - work out electrical motors, circuitry, etc. to make the subunits work.


-Week 3 trial and error

                  - go back and tweek the electrical and mechanical design to be more efficient


-Week 4, computation

                   - Write and debug code

                   - Get the programming to work


any help or suggestions would be appreciated. I could particularly use help figuring out the electronic configurations next week.