Policies for Business



Updated June 19, 2020. Modifications tracked in "revisions" tab for logged in members.


Pandemic Policies

Buisnesses need to follow all the policies that apply to all members. We recomend that any buisness Self-certify your business with the State.  We also request that buisneses utilizing MakeHaven Add your business profile. We are no longer requiring tool reservations.


Why add a business profile?

MakeHaven aims to incubate innovation and strengthen a network of makers. Businesses are important part of that network. When you complete a business profile MakeHaven can better connect you to resources that you need for your business. MakeHaven also receives significant grant money related to the value of economic development. The first thing the grantor asks is what businesses and how are they using your space. Completing the profile gives us the information we need to get grant money for new tools and new programs.  We will also list your basic information on our businesses page. We know that many new customers and future employees have found businesses through MakeHaven. In the future we will be bringing other resources online for affiliated businesses. 


General Policies for Business Activity at MakeHaven

The membership agreement states:

Commercial Use

MakeHaven aims to foster entrepreneurship and encourages members to explore how they might develop new businesses and income sources from the things they make at MakeHaven. When the needs of the venture grow into manufacturing many copies of a product for sale, beyond exploration (or moonlighting) and market testing phases (as determined by MakeHaven staff), it is required that the startup find manufacturing resources outside of MakeHaven, or make arrangements with staff to pay for reserved time on specific tools. This policy protects the ability of MakeHaven keep the tools of fabrication available to members, while performing an early stage startup incubation function that includes limited commercial use.

Common sense interpretation*: There is no clear line where commercial use goes beyond the boundaries. If you are making a things one night week and figuring out how to sell them on Etsy or craft fairs, that is moon lighting and not a problem. If however you are building custom furniture requiring a significant portion of the shop for hours to build for clients 4 days a week, and need to keep a production schedule, then you have outgrown MakeHaven. At this point we would be happy to do our best help you find the resources to put together your own shop. 


The membership policy also states: 

Intellectual Property

MakeHaven, Inc. makes no claim to any intellectual property created by MakeHaven members or created using MakeHaven resources or facilities. Free or open source licensing is encouraged. MakeHaven is a space where people develop prototypes and ideas. It is essential that the culture supports trust and the exchange of ideas.  All members agree to make every effort to respect the ideas, trade secrets and intellectual property of others.

Common sense interpretation*: All members have been told to respect your intellectual property, and MakeHaven the orginization will claim no ownership of any invention created at MakeHaven. MakeHaven is a private space, with locked doors and a understanding among members to respect the privacy. Although this policy can not stop someone from stealing an idea or business plan if you share it. Please take reasonable steps to protect your intellectual property. MakeHaven staff  and volunteers are happy to provide general advice on fabrication but generally avoid working at a level of detail that requires an Non Disclosure Agreement. The startup coach deals more intimatly with the specifics of your business and so an NDA is more common.


*Common sense interpretations are intended as examples of how staff should be expected to enact the policy. These are not themselves the policy and are subject to change at the judgement of the MakeHaven staff.