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Gerber CNC

Prerequisites for Gerber CNC Badging:

  1. Prior Experience Required: Before getting certified for the Gerber, members must:
    • Be already badged and experienced on the Shapeoko.
    • Have experience performing operations like through-cuts, engraving, etc.
    • Have completed a minimum of 3 projects on the Shapeoko.
  2. Safety Benchmark:
    • Members should have a clean track record with no incidents such as hitting workholding clamps or cutting into the table.

Safety Rules for Gerber CNC Operation:

  1. Tape Perimeter Barrier:
    • This barrier must be erected whenever possible when the CNC is in operation.
  2. Safety Buddy Requirement:
    • If a member needs to be inside the perimeter for any reason while the tool is powered, they must have a safety buddy present.
  3. Emergency Stop (Estop) Usage:
    • The Estop button must be pressed whenever tool changes are made.
  4. Stay Attentive:
    • Operators must remain with the machine while it's running. Do not leave it unattended.
  5. Responsibility for Others:
    • Operators are responsible for the safety of others in the vicinity.
    • Ensure others are at a safe distance and out of harm's way when the machine is in operation.

Badging video timestamp notes:
00:00:00 Prerequisites & Safety

00:03:22 Materials to use/avoid

00:04:00 Stay with the machine

00:04:24 Workflow

00:06:00 Using VCarve Pro

00: 07:00 Zeroing & datums

00:08:22 VCarve Pro Tools

00:12:48 CAM - Making a tool path

00:16:57 Z gap

00:18:30 Feeds & Speeds

00:21:43 Set inside, outside, on the line cut

00:23:17 Tabs

00:24:28 Simulate tool path

00:25:40 Save tool path & post processor

00:27:40 3D Engraving

00:30:40 Fonts

00:31:50 Machine overview

00:34:08 Machine startup procedure

00:37:50 E Stops

00:39:00 Homing & manual jogging

00:43:45 Manual Data Input

00:47:45 Securing workpiece

00:50:40 Installing bits into collets

00:54:36 Loading GCode from flash drive onto machine

00:56:37 Setting new origin [relative to workpiece]

01:04:00 Vacuum table & clamping tips

01:06:45 Test running your design in the air

01:07:32 Pausing and resuming

01:10:10 Engraving pass

01:12:40 Cleanup

Badge Checkout Requirement
In person checkout required
Shapeoko Mill
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Badge Video
Facilitator Checkout

Community Facilitators are volunteers who to advise MakeHaven members on projects and show members how to use the tools.

Facilitator hours will be BY APPOINTMENT during their listed hours. To make an appointment, contact the facilitator directly via Slack. To prevent unnecessary space access during the pandemic, facilitators will not be in the space unless they have an appointment. Note that some facilitators are available only for online virtual appointments at this time. Any questions please email

Community Facilitators are volunteers who to advise MakeHaven members on projects and show members how to use the tools.

When Photo Name / Activity Area

Zohra Rawling

Casting & Mold Making, Clay Hand Building, glazes, ceramic decoration